“My husband said to me, “How did you find Echo?’ My response was “She was sent to me from above. One in a billion.”

About Echo:

Hands down (and feet up) one of the most genuine, kind and inspiring yoga teachers out there. Echo has the most devoted personal practice that has taken her across the world mastering many trainings in a vast array of yoga styles. Her teaching journey has landed her in the heart of London teaching for many of the top studios around where she is renowned for her ability to create that important feeling of community and connection. Her knowledge of yoga goes way beyond the incredible asana she is known for. The true strength and power of what she teaches lies in her life experiences and a profoundly authentic and contemporary grasp of the deeper philosophical teachings.

She is the wisdom and truth of the practice personified, giving yoga in a modern world a voice that is so relatable.

Humble, honest, incredibly funny and not afraid to tell it like it is, Echo creates a space that nurtures self inquiry whilst supporting you on your own unique journey to embracing and trusting yourself. 

Written by Christine Blair, an incredible friend and yoga teacher.